Dalton-le-Dale History Society Royal Field Artillery

Sergeant John H Brown

Reg No; 15712
7th Battalion
Alexandra Princess of Wales’s Own
Yorkshire Regiment

Died December 15th 1915
Remembered with Honour at,
Brandhoek Military Cemetery I. H. 13
Murton Cenotaph

John Henry born 1879 in South View Kelloe. Lived with his parents Job and Isabel, brothers, Alfred Victor, Stephenson Lax, Robert Lisle. Sister Jane Luke, her husband Robert Luke and their daughter Isabel.

The family name at this point in time was Grey.

In 1901 the family are now known as Brown and were resident at 3 Pilgrim Street Murton Colliery. They are recorded as living at 3 North Street Murton Colliery, in the 1911 census.

John Henry was employed at Murton Colliery as a Lampkeeper. It is recorded in Ivan Way’s book ‘Our Village’ that John Henry is not remembered on the brass plaque sited within St Andrews Church.

7th Service Battalion formed in Richmond in September 1914 as part of K2 and were attached to 50th Brigade Northern Division. July 14th 1915 they landed at Boulogne

During the First World War., Brandhoek was within the area comparatively safe from shell fire which extended beyond Viamertinghe Church. Field ambulances were posted there continuously and the Military Cemetry was opened early May 1915 in a field adjoining the dressing station.

Brandhoek Military Cemetery contains 669 First World War burials.